Our Revolution

“There is a world-wide struggle going on. A revolution. All men are trying to achieve human dignity and a common identity. You and I are part of that struggle...”
Sargent Shriver | South Bend, IN | June 4, 1961

Our Quote of the Week is from Sargent Shriver’s first commencement address at the University of Notre Dame. Sarge spoke these words during the early days of the Peace Corps. His emphasis on the idea that human beings, no matter what their culture, religion, or geographic location, all want dignity, is one that resonates with us today.

As is often the case with Sargent Shriver, here he points out that we are all part of the struggle “to achieve human dignity and common identity.” Although he is speaking very specifically about the activities of the Peace Corps in the organization’s first months, his discussion transcends time and space. In many ways, our society has advanced in the areas of human and civil rights since Sargent Shriver spoke these words in 1961. But the struggle for human dignity continues. As we work for justice and equity for all of brothers and sisters in the US and around the world, let’s remember that the basic need to have our humanity recognized and honored is common to all of us.

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Peace requires the simple but powerful recognition that what we have in common as human beings is more important and crucial than what divides us.
Sargent Shriver
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