“A Women’s Issue”

“There really is no such thing as a ‘women’s issue’ that isn’t also a ‘men’s issue’...Real equality would be as liberating for men as for women...What’s involved in this struggle is no less than the most profound of all questions — what does it mean to be a human being?”
Sargent Shriver | Los Angeles, CA | October 11, 1975

In a 1975 speech that could be considered forward-thinking even by today’s standards, Sargent Shriver emphasized that the roles we cling to for women and men ultimately limit all of us as human beings. While speaking at the Women’s Leadership Conference Luncheon during his run for President in 1975, Sargent Shriver listed all of the areas in which women faced inequality and discrimination: in politics, in the workplace, in the financial industry, and in domestic issues. Sarge also emphasized that while he knew it was important to address these issues with women, it was just as important to address them with men.

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Peace requires the simple but powerful recognition that what we have in common as human beings is more important and crucial than what divides us.
Sargent Shriver
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